October 29, 2009

IRS Releases 2010 HSA / Health Savings Account Limits

IRS announces 2010 HSA limits
Source: IRS Rev. Proc. 2009-29, IRB 2009-22

The IRS issued guidance on the maximum contribution levels for health savings accounts (HSAs) and out-of-pocket spending limits for high deductible health plans (HDHPs) that must be used in conjunction with HSAs. These amounts have been indexed for cost-of-living adjustments for 2010.

Annual contribution levels. For 2010, the maximum annual HSA contribution for an eligible individual with self-only coverage is $3,050. For family coverage the maximum annual HSA contribution is $6,150.

Out-of-pocket spending. The maximum annual out-of-pocket amount for HDHP self-coverage increases to $5,950 and the maximum annual out-of-pocket amount for HDHP family coverage is twice that, $11,900.

Minimum deductible amounts. For 2010, the minimum deductible for an HDHP increases to $1,200 for self-only coverage and $2,400 for family coverage.

For assistance with your 2010 Health Insurance Plan (H.S.A.), visit QuoteBroker.com or call (800) 783-0802.